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Escape from Tarkov

AUTHORITY is a software that has entered the market quite recently, but already has a huge potential to blow it up. Good optimization, good functionality, fast updates for the latest version of the game.
ESP - is a function that is responsible for highlighting the enemy, loot and other elements in the game.
Selection of square display (disable/corners/normal)Outer square settingsBehind the squareName displayWeapon display (the ability to display the number of cartridges in the clip)Skeleton displayDistance displayK/D counter displayInventory cost displayDisplay of connections (BEAR/USEC)Display of profile information (Which edition of the player/level/winstreak/CD)Health barSetting the ESP operating distanceTurning on/off chumsDisplaying explosive grenadesDisplaying smoke grenadesDisplaying the crosshair on the screen (crosshairs to the center)Display the number of cartridges in your weaponDisplay the subject of shootingMore
Aimbot - is a function that makes it easier to hit the enemy in one way or another.
Enable/Disable Aim and hotkey assignment when activatedSelect "Dice" when aimingOptions (head/neck/chest/belly/left arm/right arm/left leg/right leg)Instant hitSilent AimCheck for visibilityAim radius (FOV) settingAim maximum range settingAim radius (FOV) displayTarget bone displayLine to target displayMore
Loot - is a function that is responsible for highlighting various items such as: gear, equipment, weapons, etc.
Night Vision on/off (with customizable hotkey)Thermal Vision on/off (with customizable hotkey)Disable VisorInfinite StaminaInfinite AirRun and Gun (can shoot while running)FOV )Zoom hack with adjustable zoom ratio (with the ability to customize the hotkey)Loot through wallsInstant explorationInstant searchMulti-searchDisable recoilDisable swayingDisable inertiaFast charging/discharging magazinesInstant aimingDisplay outputs (all or open)Display of minesRadarChanging the time in the game to the desired one (24 hour cycle)Displaying a list of players in the lobby with information about the cost of items inside itWith the ability to display it on the monitorAbility to save/load your settingsLanguage selection (Russian/English) )Changing the theme color (cheat interface)Changing binds on the cheat menupanic button and combat mode.More
Misc - is a category that contains other auxiliary functions that are not related to the main sections.
Built-in loot filter with different modes (categories/custom) with the ability to select the desired items to display directly during a raidDisplay items at the minimum price (color/item name/distance/price/icon)Display containers at the minimum price (color/container name /icon/ distance/the ability to display all items inside the container)Displaying corpses at a minimum price (color/name of the corpse/icon/distance/the ability to display all items inside the corpse)Loot localization.
Display of quest items in the raid (Not only cases/books/watchesetc.) And any quest itembe it MRE/Ledx/M4A1etc.Quest zone with the ability to turn on/off taken quests


Enable/Disable Aim and hotkey assignment when activated.
Selecting "Bones" when aiming. Options (head, neck, chest, belly, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg)
Instant hit
Silent Aim
Visibility check
Setting the Aim Radius (FOV)
Setting the maximum aiming range
Aim radius display (FOV)
Target Dice Display
Displaying a line to a target


Selecting square display (disable, corners, normal)
Square visibility settings
Filling the square
Name display
Weapon display (the ability to display the number of cartridges in the clip)
Skeleton display
Distance display
K/D counter display
Displaying inventory value
Fraction display (BEAR, USEC)
Display information about the profile (What edition does the player have, level, win streak, CD).
Health bar
Setting the ESP operating distance
Turning on/off chams
Explosive grenade display
Smoke grenade display
Display of the sight on the screen (crosshairs in the center)
Displaying the number of cartridges in your weapon
Shooting mode display

ESP Loot

Built-in loot filter with different modes (categories, custom) with the ability to select the necessary items to display directly during the raid
Display items at minimum price (color, item name, distance, price, icon)
Display containers at a minimum cost (color, container name, icon, distance, ability to display all items inside the container)
Displaying corpses at a minimum cost (color, corpse name, icon, distance, ability to display all items inside the corpse)
Localization of loot.

Quest helper

Displaying quest items in the raid. (Not just cases, books, watches, etc.) And any quest item, be it MRE, Ledx, M4A1, etc.
Quest zones with the ability to turn on/off taken quests.


Night vision on/off (with the ability to customize the hotkey)
Thermal vision on/off (with ability to customize hotkey)
Disable visor
Infinite Stamina
Endless air
Run and gun (the ability to shoot while running)
Changing the viewing radius (Fov)
Zoom hack with adjustable zoom ratio (with the ability to customize a hotkey)
Loot through walls
Instant learning
Instant search
Disable recoil
Disable wiggle
Disable inertia
Fast charging/discharging of magazines
Instant aiming
Output display (all or open)
Min display
Change the time in the game to the desired value. (24 hour cycle.)
Display a list of players in the lobby with information about the cost of items inside it. With the ability to display it on the monitor.


Ability to save/load your settings
Language selection (Russian, English)
Changing theme color (cheat interface)
Changing binds on the cheat menu, panic button and combat mode.

Supported OS
Windows 10 (2004-22H2) Windows 11 (22H2-23H2)
Supported processors
1 day7 days30 days

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The user was satisfied

if you have little time and like to farm fast, SUGAR is the best soft for EFT

The user was satisfied

Best saller, everything works 100% P.S. now i'm a dominator-terminator

The user was satisfied

good quality and easy to use, I recommend

The user was satisfied

decent software, happy with the purchase, now I'm not a sucker xD

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