The name of the cheat
Escape from Tarkov
VX — a private high-quality cheat that is being developed for Escape from Tarkov. It has all the necessary features for a comfortable and productive game.
ESP - This is the function that is responsible for highlighting the enemy, loot and other elements in the game.
Scavs Raiders PMC Player ScavsBone EspFriend systemName EspPlayer WeaponsHealth BarDistanceItem EspLoot FilterCustom Loot FilterGrenade EspAmmo CounterExtract EspCrosshair EspDisplay KDLoadout ValueDisplay Loadout
Aimbot - this is a feature that allows one way or another to more easily hit the enemy.
Silent AimbotVector AimbotPredictionHumanized SmoothingRandomization SettingsCustomizable FOVBone SelectionDifferent Aim Keys
Misc - is a category that contains other auxiliary functions not related to the main sections.
No RecoilNo SwayInstant ADSUnlimited StaminaAir WalkThermal VisionNight VisionLoot Through WallsMoon JumpNo Visor
Useful information:
The cheat has a fully adaptive overlay that does not load the system and gives maximum comfort from the game.
The menu opens on Insert.
The product is launched in 3 clicks, you no longer need to configure the system, download something, you don’t need flash drives and BIOS settings, you don’t need to call support and so on, even the youngest user can handle it.
- NoRecoil
- SilentAim
- Priority visible targets
- Select Bone
- Fov
- Smooth
- Show Items
- Show Meds
- Show lootable containers
- Show guns
- Show valubales
- Show attachments
- Show clothing
- Show food
- Show grenades
- Show corpse
- Show item price
- Show snapline to targets
- Chines item names
- Select item price
- Select skeleton thickness
- Anti-clutter distance
- Esp distance
- Loot thgrough walls
- Run and shoot
- Unlimited stamina
- flyhack - выключен по соображениям безопасности
- Show Fov circle
- Crosshair
- Color picker
Windows 10 (2004-22H2)
Windows 11 (21H2-22H2-23H2)
1 day7 days30 days
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